
The Company

Charlie Studio is a boutique, full-time wedding studio here in Vancouver, located in Richmond. Our team of professional brings their individual expertise to the creative process to offer variety of services, capturing your life changing moments and intricacies of your luxury wedding. Together, we have over 3 decades of experiences in the industry, where we have earned the highest reputation through our superb professionalism, and we take pride in our work to bring you the best images and customer services.




Our History

Started between father & son, Charlie Photo has been around for 3 decades in Taiwan, and opened their business in Vancouver for over 14 years; earning a wide range of reputation through their profession and unimaginable services. In result, Charlie Photo has been invited throughout Southeast Asia to give inspirational presentation and train local photographers.

We have earned our reputation through our passion for photography, as well as excelling our wide variety of services including fashion, makeup, hair, wedding dresses, and event planning.

獨特父子檔的老查攝影,在溫哥華已開業14年。上萬人的口碑,累積了老查攝影的專業技術加上現代化的企業經營在台灣幾乎沒有人不知道老查攝影,讓名聲享譽全台灣。因此也曾應邀到東南亞各國巡迴演講,訓練當地專業攝影師。 80年代末也曾進軍上海,97年移居溫哥華在列治文置地廣場開幕。


“Capturing Life-Changing Moments”


Our Vision

Charlie Studio is a brand and also a spirit of sincere love becoming an adherence to the truth. We take a serious attitude towards wedding photo-shoots. Our photographers not only see the cultivation of humanism, but also to guide every couple to truly feel their love and passion.

With the extraordinary professional skills, keen observation, as well as bold and cautious creativity, and most importantly, a well and innocent mindset combining persistency of creating our vision of artwork has made Charlie Studio remain successful in this industry along 30 years of path.

老查攝影是我們的品牌,也是精神, 真摯的愛情成為我們一個自然堅持的真理,一個認真面對的態度,婚紗照拍愛情是我們的理念,令人感動是因真情流露,拍攝者看見不只是人文素養,也需用心引導新人看見自己的愛情



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